How Daily Notes Work in Networked Note Taking

April 2022

A daily note makes it simple to track thoughts, meetings, and events during a specific day.
If you create a link for a topic that you mention in multiple dailies you will get time based relationships like the follow picture illustrates:

Note that in this case there is a daily note for each day and one topic note that would get referenced with a [[Topic]] link.

However, there will not be only one topic that you write down during a day but you will write notes regarding various topics like the following illustration depicts:

This means: all three days mention Topic A, the 4th and the 5th link Topic B, and the 5th and 6th reference Topic C.

Let's see how this approach looks from different angles.
If we select Topic B we would see this:

Selecting the 4th of April would show something like this:

In a conclusion, with a daily you can keep track of your information flow over time. Specific topics evolve over time which is inherently depicted by daily notes that reference and contribute to new topics.

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